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Instagram: @ the_real_maassac 


MaasSAC (Maastricht Student Alpen Club) is Maastricht's student climbing association. If you enjoy nature and the outdoors, then you fit right in with us. We love the adventure, adrenaline and the thrill of heights and challenges. While the weather allows it, we go on climbing and camping trips, but we also know how to have fun on rainy days, as we meet for indoor bouldering on Mondays and rope climbing on Thursdays at our local climbing gyms. It does not matter whether you're new to climbing or have been a rock-addict for years, we are sure that you will find your place with us. If you´re a beginner we will of course teach you everything you need to know to climb and belay safely. And besides that, it's not just about climbing! We also love to just get together for some drinks, board games or cook-outs. So, join us, become part of our lovely climbing family and make the most of your student life!

Whether you like alpinism, bouldering or rock climbing, MaasSAC is the place to be!